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The President in Portland

Recently, President Obama came to Maine for a $10,000 per plate fundraising dinner. Prior to the dinner, a rally for two thousand less affluent voters was held in the gymnasium of Southern Maine Community College. Transformit was asked to provide the decor for this event, and because we donated our work, we were allowed to view the rally from the VIP section, close to the stage. 

In an event like this, everything is ruled by protocol and the television cameras. The background behind the President? No Transformit allowed, thank you. It must be American flags, on poles in bases. The background for the side-angle shot? A 30 foot flag hung from the wall of the gym. The color scheme for our ceiling decor? Pink and purple? No, you guessed it, red, white and blue.

After several speakers warmed up the crowd (we had all waited outside for 45 minutes in a brisk early spring breeze), the President bounded onto the stage with a big smile. There is no doubt that this man enjoys being in the limelight! He gave his current stump speech, and at the end spent three or four minutes shaking hands with those who could reach him over the barricade, before exiting to his motorcade.

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