Sculpture Shows the Way

Undulating, luminous tension fabric sculptures, installed in the Vancouver, B.C. headquarters of Discovery Parks Trust, lead visitors through the entry atrium into the shared public space of the cafe.  A third piece in the boardroom also leads to the cafe.  


Discovery Parks is a public-private partnership that provides business incubator facilities for high-tech startup companies spun off from academic research institutions.  It  feeds some of the profits back to those institutions.  Transformit and MCM Interiors collaborated during a recent renovation to develop these iconic pieces for the public areas of the building.  


The initial concept model from MCM required substantial revision to meet the space and budget limitations of the project, so, under a separate design contract, Transformit designers modeled revised structures that fit the budget and met with the owner's approval.  After approval of the design and a visit to the site, we set about meeting the engineering requirements for the installation, which included special seismic requirements of the city of Vancouver.  


Our pieces were intended to flow and move with the wall-mounted sculptural wood relief panels and graphic elements.  The challenge in installation was to install our pieces without damaging the others!  With the care and attention of our designers, buildersand installers, we were able to satisfy all the budgetary, seismic, engineering, safety, and aesthetic requirements of the project.



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