Harvard Pilgrim Health Care

Harvard Pilgrim Health Care 7 255Photos: Transformit

This installation is designed by Stibler Associates, (www.stibler.com) an interior design firm in Manchester, NH. They wanted to provide some visual interest and privacy dividers...Learn More

Once in a Blue Moon

bluemoon 255Photos: Transformit

On Friday, the moon will be full for the second time in August. This uncommon event has been known as a "blue" moon since the time of Shakespeare... Learn More

Automobile Roll-out

Eye opening 255Photos: Entertainment Design Group

This project was a new automobile launch event and dealer training tour for a luxury auto manufacturer. Entertainment Design Group, provided visuals for eight pieces from our Dynamics...Learn More.

Upcoming Events

Center for Creativity rev3 255
Rendering by Mackenzie Case

Maine Creative Industries Gala Award Event honors Glenn Close and David Shaw, 9/13. Transformit is providing artistic direction and the environment for the event. The Maine Center for Creativity...Learn More